I am a big believer that the best way to make a change is step by step. I chose to enter the road of modesty a few years ago, and I’m hoping to keep achieving more and more goals. I started changing some words in my vocabulary, because in my mind it started tickling that they were not worthy, then I started putting my shorts in the highest shelf so I wouldn’t be able to reach them so easily, and a bunch of other stuff. Believe me, I’m not even halfway there, but I know where I’m going and that’s the most important thing. I’ve had to fight an inner (red) voice MANY times, and I’m still fighting it, but once I win a battle there’s no way I’m turning back, I go up a ladder and start fighting the next battle. It’s all about focusing on winning daily battles so that at the end you’ll conquer the war.
Step-by-step is the best way to achieve a permanent change. It’s exactly like a baby, once a baby crawls he wont stop crawling, and then once he starts walking AFTER he crawls, he is not going to want to crawl again. But even a super baby that can go from nothing to jumping and dancing, he might fall and have to start all over again. I’m not saying that doing that is wrong, I’m just a believer that the secret to achieve a permanent change is in taking small, slow, but real steps. Modesty is a lifestyle that once we choose it; we have to draw our path to reach our target. Which is an infinite target, you can never stop growing in modesty. Modesty is not only about the way we dress. Its a reflection on our inner persona. But also dressing with modesty became easier with the years. More and more style-conscious women are experimenting with ways to express themselves while still respecting and adhering to modesty. Modesty is a way of respecting others, respecting ourselves, AND earning the respect of others. In my perspective I connect modesty with our principals, and as we know, a person without principals, has nothing to grasp from, so modesty (in ALL its spectrum) it’s a way of filling our lives. What I admire the most in a modest woman is how she can respect others, how she can make others feel special and how she reacts to most situations with positivism.